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Conversation with photographer Stéphane Gizard interview by Santiago Neyra

‘La jeunesse est si éphémère que c'est une sorte de drame’







Best known for portraits of young people created for his “Modern Lovers” series, photographer Stéphane Gizard’s gentle, kindly eye manages to capture the beauty and fragility of his subjects, which have included many celebrities and strangers. His work reveals their sensuality and brings out the expression of a truth; an intimate questioning. In parallel to working closely with the press and the advertising industry, Stéphane has spent ten years photographing across-section of 17-20 year olds; from his perspective the defining and decisive phase of one's life sitting at the end of adolescence and at the beginning of adulthood. A period of self-reflection and fragility.

Why youth and intimacy?

I think that's everyone's fantasy: to stay young and look at what escapes us so quickly: the beauty of those faces, of those young bodies. Youth is so fleeting that it is a kind of drama. Once the mourning is over, in my case, being close to young people, watching them, discussing and photographing them is a kind of bandage...

After talking a bit of intimacy, the fragility of these subjects… sometimes do you think you are doing an accidental self portrait through these subjects?

Good question but unfortunately I don't have an answer. in any case I project desire there... maybe mine ;)

sea or mountain?


definitely sea

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boys or girls?


definitely boys

Traveling to the past, when do you think was the moment you realized you were doing the right things… could you share some photos of that period

I started working for the press when I was 21 doing portraits of stars... so I imagined not to be so bad... (see photo by Christopher Walken)












You have a project called “addictions” name your three addictions

photography, the laziness & wine

Can you name 5 things that your subjects should have to be behind your camera?

be sexy, a look that overwhelms me, a nice body, a nice attitude & listening

What is the relation between Ibiza and your photography? And with yourself of course

I really like this island because it's a mix of genres... I don't know a place in the world where there are so many diverse and pretty people. it's very inspiring. There are always new encounters. People are cool and open

What does this serie that you are sharing with us (the one you are shooting now) make you feel, what kind of emotions or sensations?

These are photos with no specific purpose. I like the idea of shooting what I can... Then the link is "made in ibiza..." I like to walk in the morning and photograph people that chance puts in my path. It's exciting to see what fate has in store...

What is your favourite thing to do in your free time?  


do nothing :-)

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before we end this lovely chat … can you share with us your motto, as you are french, it would be nice if you use your native language

Fais de ta vie un rêve, et d'un rêve, une réalité


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